BL ♂♀: 4.0-5.5 mm. Coloration is variable, mostly completely or mainly black. Often with two red or orange spots on the pronotum, but the whole pronotum can be orange, as well as the scutellum and forewings. Vertex and frons always blackish. Vertex, pronotum, scutellum and wings densely covered with short, whitish hairs. Legs black or orangebrown with lighter setae.
The species can be found in xerothermic habitats where it lives on shrubs and deciduous trees.
Widely distributed throughout Europe, but not recorded from Scandinavia.
- Goeze, J.A.E. 1778. Hemiptera. Entomologische Beytrage zu des Ritter Linne zwolften Ausgabe des Natursystems 2: i-IXXII: 1-325. (Description)